Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I have really neglected my blog! Well, it is summer now and I have nothing but time so I've decided to update since my last post. The last time I posted, it was about going back to work and taking Jackson to daycare. THAT.WAS.SO.HEARTBREAKING. I cried everyday for the 1st two weeks. Being apart from my baby was very difficult! When you really think about it, I was with him for nearly 11 months.. carried him for 9 months and stayed home with him for about 2 months. I missed him every second of the day and could not wait to leave work to pick him up. I just hated the fact that I was missing out on quality time with him. By the time I picked him up, it was almost 5 and he goes to bed at 8. That is only 3 hours a day with my baby! It just didn't seem fair. The weekends were more than ever important to me now. Luckily, Jackson really enjoyed daycare and everyone there was incredibly sweet. After seeing how great everyone was with him, I began to warm up to the idea. Plus, my friend's mother-in-law was one of the teachers in his room so that made me feel better. I am grateful that my job allows me to spend all summer at home. Knowing that summer was just a few months away was very helpful. I'm sure most moms will agree that it never gets easy, but it does get easier!

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