With Jackson, we told our family and friends the day we found out that he was a boy. This time around, Jack and I found out on Wednesday and had to keep the news to ourselves until Saturday. It was so hard not being able to tell everyone! Especially when I went back to work Thursday and all my teacher friends and students kept asking me! We wanted to wait until our Gender Reveal Party though. Jack and I spent days on google and pinterest trying to find the way we were going to reveal the news this time. We found a really cute idea where they had their friends do an Easter egg hunt where only one egg had the news, but we felt like it wasn't close enough to Easter to do that. So we decided to tweak the idea a little bit. We put notes inside balloons instead of eggs. The notes said "Nice try!", "Keep tryin'", "It's a ?", and one balloon had the note with the news. We gave our guests a push pin and put pink and blue balloons on the floor. We counted to 3 and everyone started popping their balloons trying to find the news. Jon found the lucky balloon and shouted out "It's a BOY!" Everyone was shocked because almost all of them guessed girl when they first arrived at the party! We had them put on tiaras if they thought it was a girl or mustaches if they thought it was a boy. I think only 2 people had on mustaches! It was hilarious watching everyone popping the balloons and I am so mad at myself for forgetting to record it! So looks like we are going to be a family of 3 men and a lady :) Our son's name is going to be Nicholas Rian Burns and we can't wait to meet him!!

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